Examine and evaluate the role of ideas in triggering revolution
So how will I answer this question I hear you ask? Well I will now outline how I shall be doing so.
- Background & Context - A quick look at the Feudal system and society before the enlightenment (30 seconds)
- Age of the Enlightenment - A quick look at some of the challenges this age brought to the Feudal system and ruling Kings (30 seconds)
- Definition of 'Revolution' - Use of specific quotes and look at 'how' and 'why' a revolution occurs - introduction to topic (1 min)
- Argument outline - French revolution and Chinese revolution (American for fun if Bradbury lets me go overtime). (30 seconds)
- French revolution - The role of ideas in two different aspects, and a look at Rousseau (3 mins 30 sec)
- Chinese revolution - The role of ideas in two different aspects, and a look at Sun Yat-sen (3 mins 30 sec)
- Conclusion & answer to question (1 min)
And for a final time;
Credits (bibliography) - for future reference
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